Department meeting: Dr. István Balogh

Intézeti megbeszélés, referátum előadás

Dear Colleague, 

I inform you that there will be the Department meeting on Wednesday, 30th September, 2020 from 12:00 in the LSB F008-009 lecture hall
Professor Panyi urges that EVERYONE can appear, however if you can't come please send me an email to

The lecturer is Dr. István Balogh (UD Department of Laboratory Medicine), title: "From phenotype to genotype and back: where clinical genetics meets basic science".

Summary: With the development of large-scale genetic methodoogy, previously unprecendented speed and accuracy can be reached in diagnosing monogenic diseases. The bottleneck from the analysis has shifted from wet chemistry to interpretation. The presentation will focus on the state-of-the-art methods in genetic testing, variant interpretaiton issues and the collaboration possibilities between a clinical service provider and a basic science department.

CV: cv_2020_balogh.pdf



Last update: 2023. 06. 26. 07:59