Huygens deconvolution for confocal and widefield microscopy:

Free online calculators from Scientific Volume Imaging:
- Microscopy Nyquist rate and PSF calculator
- Backprojected confocal pinhole calculator
- Image size to file size calculator
Computer software developed at the Department of Biophysics and Cell Biology:
Acceptor Photobleaching FRET evaluation for microscopy
Determining the coordinates of immunogold beads from transmission electron microscope(TEM) images.
Excel spreadsheet for calculating FRET efficiency from ensemble data (medians or trimmed means of cell or pixel populations), with pre-loaded spectral data for the most commong FRET fluorophores
FRET evaluation for flow cytometry
Intensity-based Ratiometric FRET evaluation for microscopy
Last update:
2023. 11. 21. 08:55