Only authorized and trained Users are allowed to use the Equipment in the Core Facility!
Users need to attend an instrument specific training program before being allowed to sign up to use the equipment independently!
All users must register before they can use the online booking system!
The online instrument booking system is available at: Link
For registering to the online instrument booking system please write a mail to with user informations and list of the required instruments, see below:
(Username or Email: user-name of your mail address OR your mail address; default password: your mail address, please change after the first login)
User informations | |
Username |
exampleuser |
| |
First Name |
Example |
Last Name |
User |
Requried instruments | |
Ca2+ setup (TG) Fluorolog spectrofluorometer Patch 1 (HP) Patch 2 (SzGT) Patch 3 (Multiclamp 700B) Patch 4 (Patch2 labor) PCR (előkészítő, 2.038) VCF (Patch2 labor) AMAXA 4D-Nucleofector (1.018) AMAXA Nucleofector II (1.018) FACSArray FACScan FACSDiVa iCys CompuCyte LSC Nikon - STORM Novocyte 3000 RYB Olympus FV1000 Confocal Microscope Olympus TIRFM Zeiss LSM 510 Meta Confocal Microscope |
You can reserve the resources by choosing the Schedule/Bookings menu, the daily reservation time of the instruments are listed in separated rows.
In order to reserve the desired instrument, you have to click on the calendar and define the beginning of its use, then you should set up the end-time of your reservation manually.
Please pay attention to the following operational rules:
- please do not overbook the resources;
- there is no possibility to delete old reservations;
- if your reservation had already been started, then there is no possibility to cancel or modify your reservation.
For further instructions please contact with your supervisor.
If you would like to have access for further resources or you need help to use the on-line booking system, please do not hesitate to contact to the core facility staff.