Inhibition of K+ Channels Affects the Target Cell Killing Potential of CAR T Cells

Ghofrane Medyouni , Péter Hajdu and their colleagues in collaboration with Cellular and Molecular Therapy group at the University of Debrecen studied the activity of potassium channels in CAR T cells.

Ghofrane Medyouni, Hajdu Péter és munkatársaik a Debreceni Egyetem Sejt- és molekuláris terápia kutatócsoporttal együttműködve a káliumcsatornák aktivitását vizsgálták CAR T sejtekben.CAR T cell therapy is a breakthrough in the immunotherapy field. However, many side effects remain to be solved. Kv1.3 and KCa3.1 K+ channels stabilize the negative membrane potential of T cells to maintain Ca2+ influx through CRAC channels. Electrophysiological measurements showed that HER2-specific CAR T cells had higher KCa3.1 conductance compared to the control cells, which was more prominent in the CD8+ population.  Conversely, the Kv1.3 expression level was the same for all cell types (CD4+/ CD8+, CAR, and NT). Single-cell Ca2+-imaging revealed that thapsigargin-induced SOCE via CRAC is suppressed in CD8+ CAR T cells. The use of specific antagonists of ion channels (Kv1.3: Vm24; KCa3.1: TRAM-34) improved the target cell elimination capacity of the CD8+ CAR T cells. These results imply that ion channels could be a target in improving CAR T cell therapy. 
The findings of this study were published in the Cancers Journal (MDPI).

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DOI: 10.3390/cancers16223750

Last update: 2024. 11. 26. 15:09